
Maths Curriculum Overview

Our aim is to equip all pupils with the skills and confidence to solve a range of problems through fluency with numbers and mathematical reasoning. Children are encouraged to enjoy the challenges of the subject and develop their resilience and perseverance when answering a range of questions, in addition to the belief that they can learn and enjoy mathematics. 

At Henry Hinde Junior, we are constantly evaluating and improving the teaching and learning of maths and are on a journey to embedding a curriculum that reflects the principles of ‘Teaching for Mastery’. We work closely with a range of specialists from Origin Maths Hub to ensure that we are innovative in our approach with an eye on the research to substantiate our thinking.

We know that children’s chances of success are maximised if they develop a deep and sustained understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts, so we are continually developing our teacher’s subject knowledge to ensure that they can design creative and coherent lessons that support sustained progression for all children.

Each maths lesson should include the three aims of the National Curriculum - Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. We teach maths to whole classes and do not label children.  Lessons are planned on continuous assessment of what students already know and consider the scaffolding that may be required for children who find a concept difficult to grasp, as well as challenge 'greater depth' questions for those who grasp concepts rapidly.