About Us
It is essential that all members of Henry Hinde Junior School take care of their wellbeing and mental health. Pupils will have the full support of our staff and will be supported both academically and pastorally to ensure their individual needs are met. Parent/carers can access support and guidance at any time from the school.
Additionally there are a number of outside agencies who specialise in mental health and well-being that can be contacted for free and confidential support.
Papyrus: Thinking about suicide, please call 0800 068 4141 or TEXT 07786 209697
Bullying UK: 0808 800 2222
Child Line: Talk to a child line counsellor, no problem too big or small! 0800 1111
Samaritans: Someone to listen 24/7 free of charge. 116 123 or TEXT 07725 909090
NSPCC: If you feel you or someone you know is a victim of abuse. 0808 800 5000
Winston’s Wish: Helpline to support young people with the death of a loved one. 08088 020 021
These free apps mean you can access support wherever you are.
Stressheads: Support to lower our stress levels.
Self Help Anxiety Management (Samapp): Support and techniques to help manage anxiety and panic.
Moodometer: Created by the NHS. Allows you to track your moods and what has influenced it. Also provides ways to lift your mood.
Calm Harm: Activities to assist in the management of self-harm.
Grief support for young people: Information about grief, bereavement and the feelings we may experience when we lose a loved one.
Insight Timer: A large collection of free guided exercises to help relieve stress, improve relaxation and wellbeing.
Calm: A large collection of exercises designed to calm us down.
Winston’s Wish: Helpline to support young people with the death of a loved one. 08088 020 021