About Us


We are delighted that Ofsted found that we are "brave, determined and successful" in striving for improvements and securing the best possible education for our children.

To read the full report, please click on the link below.

Ofsted Report

Key highlights from our latest Ofsted report include:
  • Leaders and governors provide good leadership and are moving the school forward after a period of instability. The headteacher and assistant headteacher are strong leaders. They have eliminated weak teaching.

  • After a period of instability, senior and middle leaders are turning things around and demonstrate good capacity for more sustained improvement.

  • Leaders and staff have given reading and writing high priority. Pupils are now reading and writing independently with increasing confidence. Standards are improving.

  • There are occasions when teachers do not adapt tasks in lessons or ask questions to extend learning and deepen understanding. They are not using assessment information well enough to identify when pupils fall behind in their work and progress.

  • Pupils’ handwriting is not consistent across the school, when writing independently and at length. Although improving, some pupils are still making unnecessary and repeated spelling mistakes.

  • There is scope for teachers to improve pupils’ mathematics and problem-solving skills, knowledge and understanding.

  • The curriculum and extra enrichment, such as sport, music and the creative arts, are having a positive impact on pupils’ enjoyment of school and has improved their attendance.

  • Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well. Provision for pupils with SEND is well managed.

  • Pupils are well behaved, respectful and polite. There are good relationships between pupils and staff. The school makes a strong contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.